Friday 24 February 2012

My first post on this blog *cheers*

So, I guess this counts for an introduction.
My name is Jessica, but call me Jess..I'm 14 and from England, so English is my mother tongue.
I speak a little bit of korean, so there may be posts in well as French...

I pretty much eat, drink and breath K-POP, I am an ELF, and Donghae was my first bias...that fishie is oh so gorgeous, but I am now also Eunhyuk bias! There is only so many times you can look at that gummy smile before falling in love.

I honestly don't know why I made a blog to post things about my life when, my life is pretty much boring. But, I guess this will be some kind of internet diary, some place where I can turn to.

I hope you can enjoy this blog as much as I predict I will enjoy writing it! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm too always wondering why am I writing a blog about my life when my life's really boring XD Well..:D
    I'll be a reader~
    Ps. I'm katzieh from twitter 8)
